The story continues

after 20 years of raising young children, dreaming of the day when they would no longer need me 24/7, I realized that day is almost here. This blog is about building our happily ever after.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This is our first "real " house. We went from an apartment to a townhouse, to the trailer. The trailer was home for 16 years, but it wasn't a "real" house.

This week I am on vacation. I am painting a bathroom, re-doing a poorly installed vent in the bathroom, and hoping to install a new lighting fixture. I am steam cleaning carpet so I can stretch its life another year because I want to use the tax refund to do some landscaping.... it seems so scary to write all that down. But I found out that I LOVE it.

I love owning a place, and making the plans to improve it or give it our own special feel.
I love that I can plan a garden, and a deck, and a sunroom... and then do it if I want.

We are at a place where we can afford to do house projects, and to do them the way we want to.. or choose not to. It's an amazing feeling. We don't have to incur any debt to do these projects, and yet I am not stuck in the phase where I had to sacrifice what I really wanted because of cost. I am still frugal, but am able to really do what I want.

If I can just get past the perfectionist tendencies that cause me to spend so much time "planning" every detail before I begin, I would be thrilled.

Can't wait to see the changes in our home this spring.

Stream of consciousness post ends here.

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